Organisation and life of the unit



Organisation and life of the unit



The unit was a mono-thematic unit organised in 4 axes between 2012 and 2017. It will move to an organisation in 3 teams with 3 team leaders and task PIs. We have improved our management of Hygiene and Security and Technical work environment with the creation of a ‘commission locale d’hygiène, sécurité et conditions de travail’ (CLHSCT). This new organization leads us to adapt the coordination and management of the unit, as follows:

– A steering committee will meet two times per month. It is coordinated by the director and is composed by the deputy directors, team leaders, group PIs and the administration and technical coordinators

– The Unit director and the steering committees will meet with the Unit Council at least 4 times a year. The meeting agenda will include: strategic decisions to prepare the 5-year plan, equipment needs, research projects discussion according to grant offers notably from the Inserm and Lorraine Region, approval of research project competing in PhD grants, budget management, general organisation, and notably respective role of staff members in sector managements.

– In coordination with the Unit Council, the CLHSCT will have meetings related to laboratory organizing of technical resources and application of security/hygiene rules and implementation of management tasks in intra unit platforms and sectors. These sectors are divided as follows: molecular biology, immunoblot and immunohistochemistry, cell culture, on-line networks and computers, animal/breeding facility

– A monthly meeting of the laboratory allows the presentation of the work of PhD students. It is followed by open discussion on the life of the laboratory according to the news. Between meetings, a journal club is organized by seniors for the PhD students.