Principal Investigators (PIs)

Principal Investigators (PIs)





TEAM 1 – The one carbon metabolism and epigenomics in the developmental origins of inherited and complex disease


Jean-Louis Guéant – PU-PH

MD, PhD, AGAF, born in 1955, chair Prof of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, qualified in Hepato-Gastroenterology, he is Director of INSERM UMRS 954 and head of the department of Molecular Medicine and Personalized Therapeutics in CHRU of Nancy. He is in the top 10 of world BioMed experts in 1-CM. His area of expertise is on acquired and inherited metabolic diseases and environmental risks. With his colleagues, he has identified new epigenomic mechanisms of impaired 1-CM on foetal programming and diseased ageing. 322 items in PubMed, including main contribution in the Lancet, N Engl J Med, Gastroenterology, Ann Intern Med, PNAS, Gastroenterology, Gut, Blood, J All Clin Immunol, J Hepatol. He is a member of the Inserm National Scientific Committee.

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TEAM 2 – Metabolic-Genomic interactions in personalized medicine and therapeutic innovation of chronic inflammatory bowel diseases


Laurent Peyrin-Biroulet – PU-PH

MD, PhD, born in 1974, he is Professor of Gastroenterology, head of the inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) group at Gastroenterology Department (CHU Nancy) and deputy director of INSERM UMRS 954. He is in the top 10 of world BioMed experts in IBD. He is staff contributor in the «Selected Summary» section of Gastroenterology, coordinator for the first Disability international index for IBD, director of Nancy IBD cohort, French representative in MICI world consortium, deputy president of GETAID (Groupe d’Etudes Thérapeutiques des Affections Inflammatoires du Tube Digestif). 256 items in PubMed, with main contributions in N Engl J Med, The Lancet, PNAS, Gastroenterology, Gut, Am J Gastroenterol, Inflamm Bowel Dis.

[view résumé as pdf]




TEAM 3 – Metabolism, Integrative genomics & Bioinformatics


Rémi Houlgatte – DR INSERM

Rémi Houlgatte is an expert in Genomics and Bioinformatics since 1989. He has published on EST sequencing, probe selection for microarray design, expression studies, biomarkers, methylation, chip-chip, meta-analysis… He has setted up various genomics (Marseille, Nantes) and bioinfomatics facilities (Nantes, Nancy), and start-ups (Ipsogen, GeneNext, CIMNA). He had an Interface grants (Special personal funding for translational research) with University Hospital of Nantes and now Nancy.

[view résumé as pdf]