Coordinator, Deputy Coordinator and Work Package leaders
Jean-Louis Guéant, Coordinator
PU-PH of Biochemistry-Molecular Biology and specialized in HepatoGastroenterology, is in the top 10 of world BioMed experts in 1-CM. His area of expertise is on acquired and inherited metabolic diseases and environmental risks. With his colleagues, he has identified new epigenomic mechanisms of impaired 1-CM on foetal programming and diseased ageing. 322 items in PubMed, including main contribution in the Lancet, N Engl J Med, Gastroenterology, Ann Intern Med, PNAS, Gastroenterology, Gut, Blood, J All Clin Immunol, J Hepatol. He is a member of the Inserm National Scientific Committee.
Jean-Pierre Bronowicki
PU-PH, chief of Hepatology and Gastroenterology at CHU of Nancy, is the former General Secretary of the French Association for the Study of Liver. He is a world-leading expert and coordinates major clinical trials in liver diseases, including viral hepatitis and NASH, with major contributions in N Engl J Med, the Lancet, Gastroenterology, Hepatology and J Hepatol.
David Meyre
Inserm Research Director, Ass. Professor, Dept of Clinical Epidemiology & Biostatistics, Mc Master, Canada and Associate Investigator in CHU of Nancy, Inserm UMRS 954 (2014-) is an outstanding expert in genetic epidemiology of metabolic diseases. He has published the first family-based genome-wide scan for childhood obesity, identified the candidate gene ENPP1, and participated in the identification of FTO. 105 articles in PubMed, including 27 in first-rank journals such as Nature, Science, Nature Genetics.
Jean-Noel Freund
nserm research director is an outstanding expert of intestinal epithelium development, cell topology, mitotic spindle orientation of gut stem/progenitor cells, with articles in Nature Biotech, Development, Gastroenterology, Gut; Mathias Chamaillard, Inserm research director is an outstanding expert of innate immunity in IBD, who co-discovered the role of NOD genes, with articles in Nature, Nat Immunol, J Clin Invest, PNAS.
Remi Houlgatte
Inserm Research Director leads the integrative genomics-bioinformatics group of UMRS 954. He was the former head of the Genomic and Bioinformatic Facilities of Nantes Inserm Center.
Olivier Ziegler
PU PH, specialised in Human Nutrition is president of the French association for study of Obesity and is internationally recognized in diseased obesity.
Sylviane Muller
S. Muller is interested in understanding the molecular and cellular pathways involved in autoreactive lymphocytes activation, the events leading to cell death/living phenomena that are central in auto-inflammatory diseases (e.g. Lupus), and in the fundamental mechanisms of therapeutic responses. Combining her fundamental knowledge of lupus with a long-lasting experience in peptide immunochemistry, S. Muller and her team were able to develop a very novel strategy, based on synthetic peptides, designed to modulate the aberrant immune response and restore immune system functions in model mice and patients with lupus. One of these peptides is currently evaluated worldwide in advanced clinical trials. This peptide that act via autophagy showed bio-clinical activity in animal models mimicking other chronic inflammatory diseases (e.g., Sjögren’s syndrome, CIDP, asthma, IBD). Current studies are developed in metabolic diseases (diabetes, diabetic kidney disease, obesity).
Laurent Duca
Professor at the University of Reims Champagne-Ardenne where he leads with Dr. Stéphane Jaisson a team dealing with Matrix Aging and Vascular Remodeling (UMR CNRS/URCA 7369 MEDyC), Laurent Duca is interested in the mechanisms leading to vascular elastolysis and in the role played by elastin-derived peptides (EDP) in the development of vascular and metabolic diseases.
Pascal Villa
The PCBIS laboratory (UAR 3286 : Platform of Integrative Chemistry and Biology of Strasbourg, aims at giving access to assay development, screening facilities, early ADMETox services and to a collection of small molecules to academic laboratories and to small companies in order to develop either research tools or starting points for drug candidates.
PCBIS is ISO 9001 certified since 2007 NF X50-900 certified since 2014. PCBIS is labelled IBiSA, belongs to the National infrastructure ChemBioFrance and is part of the Institut du Médicament de Strasbourg.
Philippe Gillery
Prof. Philippe Gillery, MD, PhD, is Professor of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology at the Faculty of Medicine of Reims, University of Reims Champagne-Ardenne, France. He is the Chair of the Laboratory of Biochemistry-Pharmacology-Toxicology and of the Biology and Pathology Department of the University Hospital of Reims, France, and deputy Director of CNRS Unit « Extracellular Matrix and Cell Dynamics ».
He is currently appointed as Chair of the Scientific Division of the International Federation of Clinical Chemistry and Laboratory Medicine (IFCC), and is Associate Editor of the Clinical Chemistry and Laboratory Medicine Journal. His research interests are related to the effects of nonenzymatic post-translational modifications (especially glycation and carbamylation) on protein structure and functions, and to their involvement in the pathophysiology of diabetes mellitus and other chronic diseases. He has published more than 240 articles in peer-reviewed journals.
Sébastien Blaise
Dr Sébastien Blaise, assistant professor at Reims Champagne-Ardenne University and in team 2 of CNRS Unit « Extracellular Matrix and Cell Dynamics ». His main works concern the interplay between extracellular matrix remodeling and metabolism syndrome progression.
Emmanuel Andrès
In 2002, E. Andrès was nominated Professor at the University of Strasbourg, France. He also was nominated at the head of an Internal Medicine Department in the University hospital of Strasbourg, France. Achievements include development of research in: all type of anaemia, neutropenia and thrombocytopenia; haematopoietic growth factors; and cobalamin deficiencies. He also conducts several studies on inflammatory or immune disorders. His recent works also include research and development on human sounds analysis, electronic stethoscope, e-auscultation, and e-medicine. His recent works also include research and development on telemedicine, particularly for chronic disorders as chronic heart failure and diabetes mellitus.
Didier Quilliot
Didier Quilliot, Professor of Nutrition. My research activities are related to my clinical skills, which are essentially clinical nutrition, artificial nutrition (long-term parenteral nutrition, short bowel syndrome, post-digestive surgery), nutrition and IBD, undernutrition (cancer, chronic diseases) and eating disorders (BED, anorexia). I also take care of obesity surgery, course coordination, management of nutritional and functional complications (cohort of 3000 patients after gastric bypass).