General impact and communication
ARRIMAGE will accelerate the transfer from fundamental and clinical science to more applied aspects of care strategy, including their social and economic aspects by promoting the exploitation of the data. It will generate new collaborations bringing fundamental scientists, epidemiologists and clinicians closer together around a common program supporting the whole chain of development of knowledge and tools for a better medicine. Teaching programs are designed to train young researchers and health practitioners through innovative teaching and educational methods. Importantly also, ARRIMAGE PIs will contribute to the dissemination of the results by providing guidelines to international and national medical organizations on the prevention, diagnosis and therapeutic opportunities needed to tackle diseased ageing at the cross-point of their respective expertise. Thus, ARRIMAGE will have a high social impact by guiding decision makers on the choice of the most appropriate policy of care. We will support the exploitation and dissemination of knowledge by organizing international meetings and annual seminars.
ARRIMAGE will have also a social impact through the telemedicine and therapeutic education programs such “Maison du diabète” and the network of the 3 Specialized Centres for Obesity (CSO). We will create a network of these programs to improve specific therapeutic education and drug adherence, to reduce hospitalization rates via telemonitoring, to reinforce the care-management strategy and to fight against discrimination factors related to limitation of care access, vulnerability and social inequalities. We will also increase the social impact by communication events such as inviting the patient associations to the annual meeting.
The management strategy will promote common resources and focused common projects. ARRIMAGE will follow management guidelines to ensure on time and high-quality reporting of deliverables and the production of publications. Beside the deliverable calendar indicated in each WP, the main milestones will be to coordinate the use of common resources, to choose adapted technologies for panels of biomarkers used in follow up studies, to upload and share data from cohorts and population studies in WP2 and WP3, to harmonize heterogeneous data bases of distinct cohorts, and to maintain a high level of compliance in follow up studies. We will evaluate the added value in the scientific production and translational activity through the increase of indicators such as the number and the impact factor of common publications, SIGAPS score, invitations to speak at international meetings and our capacity to organize international meetings, file patents and host SMEs.